Have You Ever Wanted to Run a World Major Marathon?

I am proud to say that I’ve run and finished 2 of the 6 World Major Marathons so far in my life! Y’all, there’s a huge difference between running a World Major Marathon and any other marathon. Of course, the distance is the same. But, the experience is very different. All of these races require you to enter a lottery to get in. Imagine that…a lottery where the winners run 26.2 miles. To a lot of people that sounds like torture. Not to long distance runners. That’s why they have to employ a lottery system. So, what are the World Major Marathons???

Up first in most calendar years is the Tokyo Marathon. Keep in mind that COVID-19 changed the schedules for 2020 – 2021. If this video doesn’t want to get you thinking about running Tokyo in your future, I don’t know what will. I love the enthusiasm of the main commentator!

Next up is the London Marathon. Usually, this race is run about a week before the Boston Marathon. So, logistically, it might be hard to run both. I’ve had a few friends run this race and it seems like a great first or second international marathon to run. I know that this video has me extremely interested!

Like I said, a week and a day after the London Marathon is the first of three that are run in the United States….the Boston Marathon. Y’all, this is the Super Bowl of Marathons. There is a ridiculously hard qualifying time you must run in a previous qualifying marathon in order to even get into the lottery. Then, because so many people train hard to achieve the minimum, you usually have to run even faster than the qualifying time to get in. It’s a crazy lottery. But, that’s why Boston has such prestige.

The Chicago Marathon is the fist of the Fall World Major Marathons. I’ve run Chicago and loved it! The Expo is like Christmas Day for runners. It’s huge and has everything a runner could ever desire. The course itself is known for being super flat and fast, and it is. Although, there is a slight rise at the mile 26 marker to get you over a freeway and set you up to finish. Also, there is a fantastic movie called “Spirit of the Marathon” that was filmed about the 2007 Chicago Marathon (I think). That movie will make you want to run a marathon.

Next on the Fall Marathons is the Berlin Marathon. Like Chicago, this course is known for being flat and fast. As a matter of fact, the men’s world record was set on this course! After watching this video, do you want to head over to Berlin to run this race? I do!

The last World Major Marathon of the year is the New York City Marathon. This race boasts of the largest field of runners for any marathon in he world. They regularly have a field of around 50,000 runners. If that sounds impressive, the lottery to get in is usually over 100,000 entries each year. That’s how popular this race is…and for good reason. I ran this race in 2017 and it is my favorite marathon that I’ve ever run. Sorry, Walt Disney World…you got replaced. This was the only marathon I’ve run without needing to listen to my own music. There was so much going on that I just kept going. It is a hard race is many ways…those bridged can really suck at times. For me, the Queensborough Bridge had me contemplating quitting the race. I’m glad I didn’t. As a back of the pack runner, I was blown away at how many people were still out to celebrate the runners in those last miles. It was amazing.

So, are you ready to take on a World Major Race? If so, which one(s)? Have you run in any of these races?

It’s Time to Dream Again!

So, it’s been a hot minute since I last wrote on this blog. How have y’all been? Life has been crazy since my last post. I’ve got to say that it’s nice to see society coming back to life after COVID literally shut the entire World down for more than a year. I am still a little bummed that my planned trip to Walt Disney World to run in the last Star Wars Rival Run Half Marathon Weekend got cancelled due to the virus. But, if I’m being honest, I’m not sure if my training was where it needed to be for that race.

As I looked back over this blog and tried to think about where I want to go and if I should bring it back, it got me thinking about my own life and where I’m heading. Since my last post (way back in October of 2020), a lot has happened. The good news? I’m working again! The bad news? In April, my dad passed away. So, life looks different right now. One of the things that made me sad was listenning to this….

I was in tears as I listened to this amazing song by the late, great, Whitney Houston. On YouTube, I’ve created this list of songs that inspire me. Each and every song kept those tears going. I’ve realized that in the past couple years, I’ve been living in survival mode and not dreaming of those next “One Moment in Time” experiences. I’ve stopped dreaming to deal with all that life has thrown my way.

So, I’ve started dreaming again. With those dreams came the desire to blog again. So, Here I Am… The Why I runDisney Blog 2.0! Or it is 3.0, 4.0? I can’t remember how many times I’ve decided to revive the blog. So, I hope this time I hope it takes.

It all starts with Dopey. A few years back, I had this blog post about running the Dopey Challenge in 2023. Back then, the dream was a bit bigger. I wanted to run a Boston Marathon qualifying time at the 2023 Walt Disney World Marathon at the end of the Dopey Challenge. Well, if I had followed the plan back then until now, I believe that would still be the goal. However, life had messed that up a little bit. So, part of this new, 2021 dream is to merely finish the 2023 Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World. Of course, this all assumes that runDisney keeps races going.

We all know that the runDisney races at Disneyland took a hiatus at the end of 2017 and has not returned. There has not been any anouncements about the 2022 Walt Disney World Marathon weekend just yet. However, as more and more races begin coming back to life with live, in person racing happening, I’m hopeful that there will be a runDisney announcement coming soon.

Dreaming of running the Dopey Challenge is big. However, my dreams aren’t ending there. What will most likely be two months after the Dopey Challenge, I want to run the 2023 Los Angeles Marathon. I want 2023 to be the year of the marathon for me. So, why not run 2 marathons in 3 months? I ran in the 2015 Los Angeles Marathon and had my worst finish time of the 4 marathons I’ve run. Part of that was it was also the hottest Los Angeles Marathon ever. I still remember being in mile 23 and passing a bank that showed the temperature to be 91 degrees. The course for the Los Angeles Marathon has changed from the Stadium to the Sea one I ran in 2015. So, it would be a great chance to avenge my slowest marathon to date.

As if running 2 marathons in one year isn’t enough, I want to run at least 3. So, I’m going to put my name in the lottery for both the 2023 Chicago Marathon and the 2023 NYC Marathon and see if I get in. My preference would be to run Chicago if I had to choose because it would be fantastic to take Colton to Chicago and I would love to see if I could set a new PR at that race. In 2015, I was on pace for a sub 6 hour marathon when I cramped up really bad in mile 22. It was heartbreaking to loose the PR and my first sub 6 hour marathon so quickly and so close to the finish. I walked most of the last 4 miles of that race and it was sad. Even sadder?

Yep. They had closed off the finish line when I got there. I did complete the entire 26.2 miles in Chicago. But, I didn’t get to cross the official finish line. It still irks me that I didn’t get to do that. My finish time was just 6 minutes and 36 seconds off the max time allowed to be an official finisher. I have always wondered when they shut the finish line down. After all, my corral started almost 20 minutes after we where scheduled to start. So, I wonder if I would have been allowed to cross the finish line even if I had been 7 minutes quicker. If I go back, it will be to run a sub 6 hour marathon and get to cross that finish line.

Don’t be too sad. I did still get a finishers medal.

Those are the big running goals that I’m going be chasing for the next 2 and a half years. Outside of that, I’ve got some others. For example, less glorious, I want to continue to find a better way at handling the ever elusive life balance dance we all do.

Another dream I’m pursuing is that of becoming my own boss. When I was let go from Disney, I have started this little print on demand business. I have made designs like the t-shirt above and am selling them on Amazon and Red Bubble currently. I’m made mention of this little business before. However, this business has grown since I last posted. However, I’m nowhere near ready to make this my full time job. So, I’ll get into this business in a separate post. If you want to check out my Red Bubble store, click here to see all the designs I have. On Red Bubble, I have the most items to choose from to have my designs printed on. On Red Bubble, you’ll be able to put my designs on t-shirts, active t-shirts, tanks, hoodies, and long sleeved shirts. In addition to that, you can have the designs put on cell phone cases, masks (if you’re still wearing them), throw pillows, bathroom mats, stickers, magnets, and a whole lot more. So, check out the store and see if there is anything you are interested in. I’ve got designs for runners, musicians, teachers, sports lovers, and much much more.

The last goal to share on this post is that I want to get back to looking more like this. I’m not sure how long it will take. But, I want to be in pursuit of a goal weight of 160lbs. So, starting this month, I’ll be working on that. I’d like to be under 200lbs when I run the Dopey Challenge and as close as I can to the goal of 160lbs by the time I run either the 2023 Chicago or 2023 NYC Marathon. This is part of why my races are so spaced out. For the rest of the year, I can focus on running small distances and adding whatever other exercises I can do at home in an effort to loose weight. Also, I’ll be working on my diet to reduce calories and eat healthier. My first really long race will be the 2022 Rock N Roll San Diego Half Marathon. Training for that race starts January 31st, 2022. My current weight is 260.8lbs. and 49.5% Body Fat. My goal is to be weighing 230.8lbs. by the time I start training for RnR SD. This blog will be a way of chronicling my journey to all of these goals. Wish me luck!

Hoping February Brings Better Health!

Well, I spent most of January fighting off a cold, being okay for about a week, then fighting a cold again. I went to my primary care doctor last Thursday and am hopeful that the anti-biotics and puffer thing clear me up this coming week. If that happens, then on Saturday….

it’s back to the gym I go! I’m really hoping that it all works out because I can’t wait to get back to the gym. I can’t wait to get going again towards my fitness goals. I’ve said it before, but this wait has been hard.

Since I wasted all of 2018 in this journey towards Boston, I spent some time in January trying to figure out a few things about this journey.

Like many runDisney fans, I watched as friends of mine ran their races at the 2019 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. All of that watching had me wondering if the goal I set last year (running in the 2023 Dopey Challenge) was still a possibility. I don’t want to do the race if I’m not in the kind of shape it takes to be at least a 5:30:00 marathoner. No more back of the pack marathons for me. So, I sat down and made a plan. Seriously, I went week by week for 4 years of time to see if this Dopey Challenge thing was doable. Guess what? It totally is! I’ve got some goals to get through along the way.

So, in January, I finished the 2nd of the 3 5K’s that make up the Triple 5K Tour of LA Challenge. It was the Pasadena 5K. If I can get my weight down to 235lbs. by October 20th of this year, I’ll start working on a Couch to 5K plan that will finish the week of the 2020 Pasadena 5K. By the time I get to that race week in January of 2020, I should have broken the 50lbs of weight loss I’m seeking this year. So, it makes a good time to try and run a 5K without any walk breaks. If I miss the goal of running a 5K without walk breaks (or a sub 30 min 5K time) on this race, I’ll have the Surf City 5K, Big 5 5K (LA Marathon Weekend), and the Angels Baseball Foundation 5K to get there. If all else fails, in May there is the OC 5K (OC Marathon/Half Marathon Weekend).

Back in 2012, the Cypress 10K was supposed to be my first. Instead, lack of training lead me to finishing the 5K only. In 2020, the Cypress 10K in July, should be my first attempt at a sub 1 hour 10K. If this race doesn’t do it, I’ll take another shot at the Santa Monica Classic 10K race. I really hope to hit that sub 1 hour 10K by the Santa Monica Classic. Otherwise, I’ll be in search of another 10K. As long as I hit that goal by November 15, 2020, I’ll be all set up to take on the half marathon again.

My first half marathon will be the 2021 Surf City Half Marathon. For this race, a 2:30:00 or quicker could be possible. For this race, the goal will be a PR. If my weight loss goals happen according to plan, I should be at an ideal weight by race day. I’ve never had a race at below 200lbs. By this race, I should be around 160lbs and working on maintenance of my weight.

From the Surf City Half, I’ll jump into training for the 2021 Rock n Roll San Diego Half Marathon. This will be my first attempt at a sub 2 hour half marathon. A second attempt at the sub 2 hour half marathon will come in October 2021 at the Long Beach Half Marathon. Between these three half marathons in 2021, I’m hopeful that I will get a sub 2 hour half. Then….

it will be time to train for a marathon again. This time, I’ll be targeting the 2022 Rock n Roll San Diego Marathon  as my return to the marathon. I really want to run a full marathon before heading off to the Dopey Challenge. RnR SD fits perfectly. My goal for the race will be a straight up PR. By then, I should be in the kind of condition to run a sub 6 hour marathon….maybe even a 5:30:00. Who knows? As long as I have a 5 at the start of my finish time, I’ll be perfectly set up for….

the 2023 Dopey Challenge! When I get to training for this challenge, I’ll determine the time goal I’ll have for the marathon. I seek to destroy my 6:21:44 2014 WDW Marathon time. The thing to keep in mind is that, while this plan I’ve developed takes me to the Dopey Challenge, finishing the Dopey Challenge is not my end goal. I want to run a BQ (Boston Qualifying) time. Because I lost last year, the likelihood of running a BQ at the 2023 WDW Marathon is pretty slim. Of course, this goal is just under 4 years away. So, a lot can happen between now and then.

It seems that the only way to get to a BQ is by enlisting the help of a running coach. I believe I can find my way to a 5 hour marathon or less without a coach. However, to get to the crazy time I’ll need for Boston, I’ll need a coach to push me over the edge.

In the lead up to the Dopey Challenge, I’m planning on running the Santa Monica Classic 10K as part of the Conqur LA Challenge. That means, I’ll also be running the 2023 Pasadena Half Marathon (a few weeks after Dopey) and the 2023 Los Angeles Marathon. In 2023, I’ll also apply for the Chicago Marathon and NYC Marathons.

I’ve got a lot of work to do between now and 2023. Hopefully, the work will start this week with my return to the gym. I plan on starting  slow. So, the results for February may be a little bit uninspiring. I’ve got races on the calendar to keep the year fun. But 2019 is a year to live at the gym.


Looking Back at the 2015 Bank of America Chicago Marathon

This weekend, 40+ thousand runners will be taking to the streets of Chicago to run the 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. It’s hard to believe that it’s been around a year since I ran my last full marathon. A lot has changed in my life since then.

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On Friday and Saturday, the Abbot Health & Fitness Expo will start the whole race weekend off. Y’all this expo is HUGE!!!!!! Continue reading “Looking Back at the 2015 Bank of America Chicago Marathon”

Fast Five Friday – My Five Favorite Races

I’ve seen a lot of bloggers do these Fast Fives on Fridays. So, I thought do one this week. This one is inspired by two blogs I read this week. Patty from My No-Guilt Life sponsors Tuesdays on the Run. They quite regularly come up with some great topics. This weeks topic was repeating races. You can read Patty’s post here. Juliana did her take on this topic here. Even though I’m not joining them (this is Friday and not Tuesday), I thought it would be fun to share my five favorite races. These races are ones I’d run every single year is money permitted.


My absolute favorite race is the Star Wars (Light Side) Half Marathon at Disneyland. I love everything about this race. Having run it in the first two years, I’m going to do everything possible to be a perfect Star Wars Half Marathoner. I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I love running at Disneyland. So, this race is the perfect marriage of two loves in my life. I love that the 501st Legion comes out to make the time on the city streets so much more fun! Their costumes are amazing. I also love that the lines for pictures with them are super short. So, there’s no shortage of great photo ops. Continue reading “Fast Five Friday – My Five Favorite Races”